Come and join us during Holy Week
Come along to St Michaels and join us as we go about our final preparations for Easter during Holy Week. We are meeting together to share in learning, praying, reflecting and eating so there is something for everyone.
Palm Sunday 20 March 10.00 am Parish Eucharist Monday 7.30 pm The Lent Groups meet together Tuesday 7.00 pm Holy Communion Wednesday 7.30 pm “Come walk with me” - a time of meditation and reflection using music, song, words and pictures to walk with Jesus through the events of Holy Week Maundy Thursday 7.00 pm Share a meal together as we recall Jesus sharing his Last Supper with his disciples Good Friday 10.00 am Family friendly event with hot cross buns and children’s activities 2.00 pm An Hour at the Cross
Easter Sunday 10.00 am Parish Eucharist